Friday, October 15, 2010

Teaching method

«L'approche communicative»
I teach the French language with a method carefully designed to prepare you for real communication. Because language is interactive, your lessons focus on language in context, with an emphasis on the social and cultural dimensions of the French language.
Grammar and structural language rules get their due, of course, but not in isolation. Over the course of your lessons with me, you will master the language through the everyday challenges you would encounter in France: introducing yourself or a friend, giving advice, making a complaint, etc.
Tailored to your needs
Your specific language needs always take priority, and every lesson is custom-tailored to your abilities, motivations and interests.
Teaching materials taken from daily French culture
Some of the tools you will use to learn authentic French:
  • Newspaper articles
  • Film, video and television clips
  • Radio programs
  • Advertisements
Learn the language by speaking it
My lessons lessons are an immersive experience in which only French is spoken. Never fear, beginners: you'll find the environment supportive and encouraging.

I offer practical dialogues so that you can learn to get by in everyday life quickly and easily.
For every student whether they are an adult, a child, a beginner or someone more advanced, the first thing I focus on is French pronunciation and intonation. Without them, you will never be able to speak French correctly.

I provide detailed written notes of your mistakes and trouble spots gives you a kind of custom textbook for study and improvement. Throughout, my patient but exacting pronunciation drills will hone your accent and intonation to improve your powers of expression.

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