Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Private French Lessons

Starting any time during the year,
I provide individual instruction to learn French as a Second Language
Lessons are tailored to address your particular needs and are taught by a trained French native-speaker: me !!

Private Lessons Advantages:
  • Lessons can take place at your home or office, or favorite near-by café
  • Lessons may be taken one-on-one or in groups of two or three
  • Flexible daytime and evening schedules
French Lessons are available for adults, kids, teens and toddlers:
  • All levels of conversation, grammar, reading, writing and business French
  • Preparation for business or leisure trips to France and other francophone countries
  • Preparation for Advanced Placement test, college prep courses and Regents exams
  • Literature and composition classes in French for adolescents enrolled in French-speaking high schools and at the Lycée Français
A program of studies is decided according to level, interests, goals, and future projects.

You can also reach me on my personal website: http://frenchnewyork.net

1 comment:

  1. Hi Thomas,

    I'm a software developer who is trying to make your job teaching French easier and more profitable:


    Let me know if there is any way that I can help you prosper more as a French teacher.

    Brent Van Arsdell
